Registered Charity: 212952
Captain A J R Keenan * |
Chairman |
I C Melia Esq* |
Treasurer |
Captain C A McGee* |
Secretary |
Captain R C Owens |
Almoner |
Lt Col I H Murning* |
Commander M C Walker* |
Wing Commander K F Trasler* |
The Master* |
Ex Officio |
The Master Elect* |
Ex Officio |
The Clerk* |
Ex Officio |
Captain R B Keegan |
BALPA BF Liaison Representative |
G Williams Esq |
SSAFA Forces Help Representative |
I Johnson Esq |
RAF Benevolent Fund Representative |
*These members are the Trustees of the Fund
The Executive Committee comprises the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Almoner.
Over the past ten years the Benevolent Fund has given £415,210 to charitable causes. Of this £73,603 was provided for grants to individuals, the balance being utilised for the charitable purposes mentioned above. Diligent management of the Fund’s assets has ensured a good return from investments, but as with similar organisations, returns are dependent on the World financial situation.
Anyone in need of help, or knowing of someone who could be, is encouraged to apply in the first instance on an Application for Assistance Form to the Almoner of the Fund, through the Company offices. For those who feel generous enough to make a donation or require information relating to bequests in wills please contact the Treasurer, also through the Company offices.
The Air Pilots Benevolent Fund is a registered charity which is regulated by the Charity Commission under the Charities Act 2011. The Fund was established in 1937 initially as the Sir Sefton Brancker Memorial Benevolent Fund before subsequently becoming the Guild of Air Pilots Benevolent Fund (GAPBF). Chapter Five of The History of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, published in 2010, gives the complete history of the Fund. In February 2012 the Guild became the Honourable company of Air Pilots and the Fund was renamed The Air Pilots Benevolent Fund (APBF). The Fund has developed and matured into a healthy and vibrant part of the Company, with assets sufficient to enable the Trustees to assist many aviators and their dependants
In 2002 the Charity Commission published a change in recommended practices that discouraged ‘responsibility without authority’ and the Court devolved the Trusteeship of the Fund to its Board of Management. This was ratified in 2003 by a revised Scheme that was approved by the Charity Commission. Further changes to the Charity Commission’s guidance later saw a revision to the way in which new Trustees are appointed. Prospective Trustees are now approved by the Court but are appointed by the existing Trustees. Vacancies for new trustees are advertised in Air Pilots e-news and Air Pilot magazine and those interested in becoming a trustee can contact the Chairman to declare an interest at any time. Trustees have the responsibility and authority to run the Benevolent Fund and manage the assets in compliance with charity regulations and in accordance with best practice.
These powers are derived from the official Objects of the Charity, which are:
The Trustees may achieve this by:
Insofar as the income and capital of the charity cannot be applied towards objects as mentioned above it may be applied in supporting such charities established wholly for purposes in the field of aviation or for such charitable purposes connected with aviation as the Trustees shall determine. For many years the APBF has given assistance to young people by funding flying scholarships though the Air Pilots Trust and providing gliding experience through the Air Pilots schools gliding scheme as well as continuing to help individuals in need.
The Trustees of the APBF meet quarterly to review cases and decide upon the future expenditure with due regard to funds available and the urgency of the request. Whilst the granting of assistance necessarily requires deliberation, there are instances where immediate grants may be sanctioned.
Requests for assistance will normally only be accepted when presented upon the 'Application for Financial Assistance' form. This form should be filled in as comprehensively as possible to enable the Trustees to assess the needs of the individual and get a thorough understanding of their financial status and just how the Fund could best assist. For immediate assistance where time has an important bearing on the nature of the request, one of the Executive Committee should be contacted through the Company's offices.
To ensure that applicants are given the best possible assistance the Trustees liaise closely with the BALPA Benevolent Fund, the RAF Benevolent Fund, SSAFA, The Royal British Legion, the Officers' Association and similar organisations. Co-operation such as this ensures that efforts are not duplicated and that the expertise of these full time professional organisations is put into best practice for the Board. The Trustees can call upon the services of other professionals, such as doctors, to assist in the decision making process, thus ensuring that when assistance is given it will be of long-term use to the individual.
Grants and loans are and can be made to assist in the rehabilitation of people after accidents or enable them to regain licences. However, the Trustees do not grant or loan money for the repayment of debts or long-term expenses such as school fees, prolonged medical care or for obtaining professional pilots’ licences and ratings.
Anyone in need of help, or knowing of someone who could be, is encouraged to apply in the first instance on an Application for Assistance Form to the Almoner of the Fund, through the Company offices. For those who feel generous enough to make a donation or require information relating to bequests in wills please contact the Treasurer, also through the Company offices.
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots
Air Pilots House, 52A Borough High Street, London SE1 1XN
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7404 4032
© 2025 The Honourable Company of Air Pilots