Barbara Trappett commenced flying at Parafield Airport, South Australia in 1977 and by 1980 she had gained a Commercial Pilot Licence. Barbara has flown approximately 20 light aircraft types.
Barbara joined the then Department of Aviation in 1980, gaining a Diploma of Air Traffic Control. As an Air Traffic Controller she was based in Adelaide, Sydney, Darwin, Canberra and Melbourne. She worked in all facets of ATC - Operations, En Route Tower and Approach. She spent much of her ATC Career as a Training Officer both in an operational capacity and on the simulator. She attained the senior ATC position of Approach Controller.
In 2003 Barbara gained a Bachelor of Aviation from the University of Western Sydney.
Barbara became a Freeman of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Australian Region in 2014. She was elected to the Australian Council in 2017 and served as Welfare Officer from 2019/2021. In this role, she was particularly supportive of young members, providing moral support and mentoring advice. Barbara was granted the Livery in late 2022 and will be clothed this year.
Barbara has generously sponsored several young members to join the Air Pilots. She also sponsored a young SA Air Pilots member to complete his Commercial Pilot Licence and then facilitated his employment as an airline pilot.
Barbara joined the Australian Women Pilots' Association in 1978 and has served 15 years on state committees including as State President, three years as the National Secretary, one year as National Treasurer and is the current National President which has a three year term. In 2015, she organised the annual five day AWPA national conference at Victor Harbor in South Australia.
While enjoying her retirement from full time work, Barbara joined the South Australian Aviation Museum as an active volunteer in 2008 and is currently a weekend Shift Supervisor.
Barbara owns a vintage 1940 Ryan STM aircraft and recently sold a C182 which she had owned for 10 years. She owns a hangar at Goolwa Airport and in the next twelve months, intends to purchase another C182 or C210 aircraft.
In recognition of her contribution to Australian aviation, her support for women pilots and providing both financial and moral support for young Air Pilots members Barbara Trappett is nominated for the 2023 Master's Trophy for the Australian Region.
2009 Captain Warwick Balir Tainton MAP
2010 John Whittington
2011 Spencer Lyons Ferrier
2012 Bishop Anthony Hall-Matthews
2013 Sue Ball
2014 Captain R A "Sandy" Howard
2015 Harold Roy Walton CEng FRAeS FCILTA CPEng MIE(Aust) MAP
2016 John Graham Eacott MAP
2017 Mr G A "Peter" Lloyd AC AO OBE
2018 Robert Moore
2019 Captain Darryl Hill
2020 Michael John Cleaver BSc
2021 Adrianne Fleming OAM
2022 Captain Robert G Dicker BSc(Arch) BE (GIS Hons)
2023 Barbara Ann Trappett
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots
Air Pilots House, 52A Borough High Street, London SE1 1XN
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7404 4032
© 2025 The Honourable Company of Air Pilots