Flying Start Hong Kong

Learning to fly is a rewarding and exciting experience.  Qualifying for your Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) represents the culmination of extensive training and hard work.  It is a proud day for all professional aviators, but this worthwhile career choice is also a serious commitment – both in terms of your time and money – so it’s important to do your research and make informed decisions about your training. 

For the HKG aviator, there is also the added consideration that flight training will have to be completed overseas because there is limited training presence in Hong Kong. However, this also presents an opportunity to choose the flight school that best suits your needs.

Entry Requirements

  • Secondary School Exam Pass with Maths, Science and English
  • Pilot Aptitude Assessment
  • Class 1 Aviation Medical Fitness Assessment

to read more about entry requirements - click here

Flight Training, Theory and Licencing

The licences are issued in the following order:

  • Students Pilot Licence
  • Private Pilot Licence (PPL) (Can fly privately with passengers but not for remuneration)
  •  Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) (Can fly commercially for remuneration)
    •  Or Multi Crew Pilot Licence (MPL) (Can fly commercially for remuneration)
  •  Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) (Required to Captain large aircraft)

to read more about flight training, theory and licencing - click here

Scholarship Programmes

Several HKG organisations have recently offered these programmes:

Offshore scholarships for international applicants:

to read more about scholarships - click here

Cadet Programmes

Options within the HKG region for cadet programmes are developing and when active include:

to read more about cadet programmes - click here

Prospective Career Choices

Active aviation sectors in HKG:

  • Corporate / Business aviation
  • Airline
  • Helicopter 
  • Government Flying Service (GFS) - watch the YouTube video below
  • Civil Aviation Department

to read more about prospective career choices - click here

政府工 - 行動機師 (政府飛行服務隊)

Youth Development Day

In the near future when the pandemic restrictions are lifted the Air Pilots aim to host a regular Youth Development seminar. Guest speakers will engage with the audience covering topics discussed here and will include group building exercises and a workshop on general social skills and interview etiquette. 

More information will be available on this page in due course, meanwhile, keep in touch with the HKG Air Pilots group for more information. 

More information?

More information can be found through flying associations such as the Air Pilots and general research through flying magazines and regulatory web pages.

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