Flying Scholarships 2025

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Application form:

Gliding Application 2025

JG Gliding Image

Gliding Scholarships

Closing date for applications is 25th February 2025 at 12 noon.

Interviews:  22nd, 23rd & 24 April 2025.  

Zoom interviews may be offered at the discretion of the Company on the 30th April or 1st May.

Scholarships are residential and are offered to people over the age of 16.  Successful candidates have the   opportunity to fly on a one-week course at a youth approved British Gliding Association centre.  This course   could take a candidate to first solo.  Candidates called for interview will be informed of the available dates and asked to confirm their preference at that time.  Courses will take place during the 2025 School Summer Holidays (July and/or Aug). Candidates called for interview will be able to discuss their availability, however, successful candidates may have to accept and commit to a course which is not their preferred option.

Terms and Conditions:
The aim of the Scholarship is to assist the successful individual, who might otherwise not have the necessary resources to have the chance to experience gliding on a week-long residential course.  The Scholarship will cover direct training costs and residential accommodation; travel expenses to and from the training centre will be the responsibility of the Scholarship winner.

  • You must be able to satisfy the NPPL medical requirement (click here for information)
  • You must be aged at least 16 on 1 July 2025
  • Height and Weight restriction: candidates must be under 6’ 4” and under 16st 4lb (103.5kg)
  • If you are invited to attend an interview, do you require any assistance or adjustments?
  • Please indicate if you require any reasonable adjustments as part of your application process

Candidates who are short-listed for consideration for the scholarship are required to attend an interview on the 22nd, 23rd or 24th  April 2025. Zoom interviews may be available at the discretion of the the Company on the 30th April or 1st May 2025.  Travel expenses are the responsibility of the candidate and alternative interview dates cannot be arranged.

Successful candidates will be made a conditional offer which will be subject to confirmation once all pre-requisite and contractual details have been acknowledged as satisfied.

please note:  Your application must be completed in handwriting, scanned to a two page pdf document no bigger than 3mb and sent by email to  All applications received are acknowledged by email.  If you do not receive an acknowledgement by email, you should assume that your application has not been received and should resubmit your application.  You are, of course, welcome to telephone the office to check.  Applications not meeting any of the requirements above will be disregarded.

Flight Instructor Certificate Scholarships

Flight Instructor Certificate Scholarships

Closing date for applications: 26th February 2025 at 12 noon

The Flight Instructor Certificate Scholarship award covers all direct training and examination costs for the successful candidate as they achieve their Fixed Wing Flying Instructor Certificate.  Providing up to 30 hours of flying training and 125 hours of ground school training, the scholarship can cover the minimum course requirements plus the direct costs of one Assessment of Competence to allow licence application to be made by the candidate. The selection process has three stages which successful candidates will move through. The scholarships are awarded entirely on merit as evidenced by a completed application form, completion of a short video and on the result of an interview with a selection panel appointed by the Company.

Training must be completed during the summer and before the 30th September 2025.

All candidates should be aware that, if called to interview, they must make their own arrangements to attend interview in person in London on the 7th May 2025. Alternative dates cannot be arranged. Training must take place at a UK flying school approved by the Company. Please note that the scholarship only covers the direct costs of flying training and testing; no provision is made for transport, accommodation, subsistence etc.

Terms and Conditions:

The aim of the Scholarship Programme is to assist the successful individual to achieve their Flight Instructor (Aeroplanes) Certificate on a UK licence.  The Scholarship covers only direct training and examination costs. The costs of obtaining the required Medical Certificate, the pre-entry flight test and any associated travel, subsistence and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the Scholarship winner.

The criteria for successful applications include:

your ability to demonstrate a serious ambition to become a Flying Instructor.
ability to provide evidence of the appropriate hours and licence requirements for the completion of the course and licence issue as designated by the UK CAA.
your availability to undertake and complete the training award during summer 2025 and complete prior to 30th September 2025.
you must be able to satisfy the relevant UK CAA medical standard to enable the issue of the appropriate licence and any Company pre course entry requirements.
Successful candidates will be made a conditional offer which will be subject to confirmation once all pre-requisites and contractual details have been acknowledged and satisfied.
Please note: Your application must be completed in your own handwriting, scanned as a five page document (not larger than 3mb) and saved using the format firstname.surname and sent by email to Any applications not meeting any of these requirements will be disregarded.

The Company will expect training to be carried out at a UK CAA Approved Training Organisation (based in the UK) which is also approved by the Honourable Company.  Arrangements are to be in place by mid-June and training and testing is to be completed by 30th September 2025.

The awards are made by a Selection Committee appointed by The Company.  Candidates who are successful at the first stage (application form) will be asked to submit a one minute video on a subject which will be communicated directly upon successfully reaching this second stage of selection. Candidates who are short listed for the Flight Instructor Certificate Scholarships are required to attend at their own expense for an interview on 7th May 2025 in London, when the candidate must be prepared to give evidence that they fully meet the minimum criteria for the award as stated below:


Pre-entry Requirements

Candidates must meet the following pre-entry requirements on the date of interview:

a)      Hold either a valid UK issued CPL(A) or ATPL(A) licence including a valid SEP class rating OR hold a valid UK issued PPL(A) including a valid SEP class rating and have completed at least 200 hours of flight time on aeroplanes of which 150 hours shall be as pilot-in-command (PIC).

b)      Have completed a VFR cross-country flight as PIC of at least 540km (300nm) in the course of which full stop landings at two different aerodromes have been made.

c)      Have met the requirements for CPL theoretical knowledge. If holding a PPL(A) without CPL theoretical knowledge, the candidate must show a need for LAPL(A)-only instructors in their chosen geographical area. In these cases, CPL theoretical knowledge will be still required at interview.

d)      Have completed at least 30 hours on single-engine piston powered aeroplanes of which at least five hours shall have been completed during the six months preceding the pre-entry flight test (see note below).

e)      Have received at least 10 hours instrument flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category, of which not more than five hours may be instrument ground time in a FSTD.

f)       Have completed at least 20 hours of VFR cross-country flight in SEP class aircraft category as PIC.

Successful candidates will be made a conditional offer subject to proof of passing a specific pre-entry flight test with an FI qualified for this purpose, based upon the proficiency check as previously set out in Part FCL Appendix 9, completed at candidate’s own expense.

Your application must be completed in handwriting, scanned to a multipage pdf document and sent by email to  All applications received are acknowledged by email.  If you do not receive an acknowledgement by email, you should assume that your application has not been received and should resubmit your application.  You are, of course, welcome to telephone the office to check. Applications received as single page documents, as photographs, or in any other form will be disregarded.

Private Pilot Licence Scholarships

The closing date for applications was 7 January 2025 at 12 noon. 

The selection process is now underway.  All eligible applications received acknowledgement by email.  Your application should have been completed in handwriting, scanned as a four page pdf document and saved using the format forename.surname and sent by email to  

All candidates should be aware that, if called to interview, you must make your own arrangements to attend interview in person in London on the 2nd or 3rd April 2025.  Alternative dates cannot be arranged.  Training must be take place at a UK flying school approved by the Company.  Please note that the scholarship only covers the cost of flying training and licence issue.  The costs of obtaining the Class 2 Medical Certificate and any associated travel, subsistence and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the Scholarship winner.  Successful candidates will be made a conditional offer which will be subject to confirmation once all pre-requisite and contractual details have been acknowledged as satisfied.


Terms and Conditions:
The aim of the Scholarship Programme is to assist the successful individual, who might otherwise not have the necessary resources, to achieve their Licence.

The criteria for successful applications includes:

  • your ability to demonstrate a serious ambition and ability to pursue an aviation related career
  • your availability to undertake and complete the Scholarship during summer 2025
  • your educational achievements, demonstrable knowledge and/or experience in science, mathematics or other aviation related subjects
  • you must be aged at least 17 on 1 June 2025

Overseas applicants must be able to show they have the appropriate passport, visa or travel documents to reside in the UK during the training period in order for their application to be considered.