Presentation of Award Certificates

The presentation of certificates may be made at a special Court Meeting held prior to one of the Company’s major functions; the Livery Dinner in May or the Trophies and Awards banquet in October.  Alternatively, it has also become the practice over the years that Certificates for serving (or recently retired) military personnel may be presented at a Service Awards Presentation, or a Dinner at their own or a nearby Unit.

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards' Banquet, Guildhall October 2024

Picture with the Master, Richie Piper Esq: (L-R) Master Air Pilots - Lt Cdr Matthew Robinson, Gary Hickson, Capt Mark Wilson, Sqn Ldr Tomos Brown, Marcus Grey, Lt Cdr Ian Oakes, Cdr Hugh Saltonstall, Lt Cdr David Lilly, Julian Sheffield, Master Richie Piper, Past Master Capt John Towell, Andrew Holley, Upper Freeman Gordon Pell, Flt Lt Philip Powell, Upper Freeman Flt Lt James Hobkirk, Past Master AM Cliff Spink, Gp Capt Michael Jordan; Master Rearcrew - WO1 Andrew Price

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet, Guildhall October 2023

Picture with the Master, Captain Jonathan Legat: (L-R) Master Air Pilots – Liveryman Alasdair Beaton, Robert Dowdell, Andrew McKie, Upper Freeman Colin Thirlwall, Nicholas Lewis, Richard Allison, Glyn Price, Andrew Griffiths; Master Air Navigator – Freeman Jason Phillips; Master Rear Crew Alistair Kitwood, Richard Taylor

Presentation at the Livery Dinner, Drapers' Hall in May 2023

Presentation of the MAP certificate to WO1 Robin Barclay by the Master, Captain Jonathan Legat

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet, Guildhall, October 2022

Pictured with the Master, Captain Robin Kegan
L - R: Master Air Pilots - Captain John Gissing, Group Captain Terry Holloway, Commander Richard Sutton MBE and Major Matthew Roberts AAC

Presentation at the Livery Dinner, Drapers' Hall in May 2022

Presentation of Master Air Pilot certificate number 1280 to Squadron Leader Stephen Davies RAF

Presentation to Major Timothy Paschke USAF

Master Air Pilot certificate 1282. Presented on the occasion of his retirement at RAF Mildenhall, 29 April 2022

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet, Guildhall in October 2021

Pictured with the Master Squadron Leader Nick Goodwyn
L - R: Master Air Pilots Steve Price, Paul Smiddy and David Cockburn, Master Rearcrews  Richard Byrne and Kevin Weller

Presentations at the Livery Dinner, Carpenters' Hall in July 2021

Pictured with the Master Squadron Leader Nick Goodwyn
L - R:  Master Air Pilot(s) Captain Alasdair McDonald, Peter Lord of Abbots-Hay and Squadron Leader Peter Lovegrove.  Master Air Navigator Flight Lieutenant Steven Sansford.  Master Rearcrew(s) John Spencer and Nicholas Horst

Presentation at Station Divisions RNAS Culdrose on 14 November 2019

Lieutenant Commander Richard A Boyes RN is presented with Master Air Pilot certificate 1165 at Station Divisions, RNAS Culdrose on 14 November 2019. Commodore Adrian Orchard RN ACOS(CSAV) made the award on behalf of the Master.

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet October 2019

Pictured with the Master Malcolm White OBE
Standing (L - R): Master Air Pilot Capt Scully Levin and Master Air Navigators Lt Cdr Adrian McWilliams RN, Lt Cdr Stephen Hayton RN and Flt Lt Ian Abson
Seated (L - R): Master Air Pilots Cdr Stephen Thomas MBE RN, Jane Nash, Flt Lt Andrew Baker, Sqn Ldr Timothy Cadman, Lt Cdr Andrew Knight RN, Sqn Ldr Nigel Scopes

Presentations at the Livery Dinner May 2019

Pictured with the Master Malcolm White OBE
L - R: Major Mark Taliku, WO1 Derek Hird and Roger Bailey

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet October 2018

Pictured with the Master, Captain Colin Cox
Standing (L - R): Master Air Pilots Ian Thompson, Captain David Hughes, Captain Christopher Marren, Flight Lieutenant Keith Frewin and Master Rear Crew Laurence Slater
Seated (L - R) Master Air Pilots Captain Garry Sampson, Captain Ray Smith, Rear Admiral Keith Blount, Major Edward Le Gresley, Ronald Lawford and Lieutenant David-John Gibbs

Presentations at the Livery Dinner May 2018

Pictured with the Master Captain Colin Cox
L - R: Major Mark McCullins, Captain Colin McHattie, Captain Alan Meredith, Captain Martin Pattinson AAC and Flight Lieutenant Greg Lings

Presentation at Dartmouth Royal Naval College 1 February 2018

Chairman of the Trophies and Awards Committe, Past Master Air Commodore Rick Peacock-Edwards presents Master Air Navigator certificate 1209 to Lieutenant Commander Robin Suckling RN

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards 2017

Pictured with the Master Captain Chris Spurrier:
Seated: Master Rear Crewman Warrant Officer Ian Thompson, Master Air Navigators Lieutenant Commander Simon Daw and Wing Commander David Herriot
Standing: Master Air Pilots Wing Commander Jack Lynch, Jan Ferraro, Captain Arthur Creighton
the eagle-eyed will note that Wing Commander Herriot is holding aloft a Master Air Pilot certificate - unfortunately his certificate was inscribed in error - a mistake which was later rectified.

Presentations at the Livery Dinner 2017

Pictured with the Master Captain Chris Spurrier:

L - R: MAPs Squadron Leader David M Flynn, Juan Carlos Nunez de Andres, WO1 Danny Rae, WO1 Stephen Petts, WO2 James Boys, Squadron Leader Tim Sindall and MAN Stephen Plumb

Presentation at RAF Brize Norton January 2017

Immediate Past Master Squadron Leader Chris Ford presents the Master Air Pilot Certificate 1193 to Flight Lieutenant Mark Raymond.

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet 2016

Pictured with the Master Captain Peter Benn
Sitting (L-R): Master Air Pilots: Captain Mark Hitch AAC, Captain John McCauley, Captain Stephen Perret, Flight Lieutenant Roderick Williams, Captain Colin Stagg, Squadron Leader Francis Neill, Commander Mark Walker RN
Standing (L-R): Master Air Pilots: Kevin Warren, Captain Michael Sinclair, Johan Pienaar, Edward Coventry, Master Air Navigators: Lieutenant Commander Michael Sewed RN, Squadron Leader Catriona Thompson

Presentations at the Livery Dinner 2016

Pictured with the Master Captain Peter Benn
(L - R): Master Air Pilots Lieutenant Commander Stuart Bainbridge RN, Lieutenant Commander Michael Luscombe RN, Lieutenant Commander David Biggs RN and Lieutenant Commander Jonathon Hounsome RN

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet 2015

Pictured with the Master Squadron Leader Chris Ford MBE
Sitting (L - R) Master Air Pilots: Cdt Tom de MOORTEL, Capt Christopher HIRST, Capt Peter TERRY, Capt Christopher NICHOLLS, Flt Lt Robert MILLER, Lt Cdr Nicholas BANCE
Standing (L - R) Master Air Pilots: Flt Lt Douglas BROWN, Mr Timothy NICHOLAS, Capt William BROWN, Master Air Navigator: Lt Cdr Nicholas JACQUES, Master Rear Crew: CPOACM Andrew MACR Vaughan DODSWORTH

Presentations at the Livery Dinner May 2015

Pictured with the Master Squadron Leader Chris Ford MBE
(L-R) Master Air Pilots: Lt Cdr Andrew Murray, Capt Alistair Beaton, Sqn Ldr Harold Burgoyne, Capt John Eacott

Presentations at the Trophies and Awards Banquet 2014

Pictured with the Master Dorothy Saul-Pooley
Sitting (L - R) Master Air Pilots: Capt David Holloway, Michael Grierson, Capt Maurice Knowles, Sqn Ldr Simon Harcourt, Capt Mike Metcalf, Wg Cdr Ronnie Trasler, Carol Cooper, Raymond Horton, Capt Brent Hawkins
Standing (L-R) Master Air Pilots: Gp Capt John Benjamin, Capt Baz Varacas, Capt Richard Fry, Gen Rodzali bin Daud, Capt Chandra Mohan as Param, Arthur Booth , Eric Scott, Master Air Navigator: Lt Cdr Nigel Cunningham, Master Air Pilot: Capt Alan Cooke